PMR ensures its client organizations have a professional infrastructure from the top down. Importantly, all external communications with members and outside parties doing business with your organization are performed seamlessly within PMR.
Handle all phone inquiries through dedicated phone lines – with local or toll-free area codes – that are answered in the client’s name, with professional voicemail services employed during busy periods and after-hours; all messages are returned promptly or forwarded
A street mailing address is provided for all organizational correspondence; PMR reviews and responds to daily postal mail inquires
Client e-mail addresses are created for the monitoring of inquiries and requests
Important documents, materials and supplies are warehoused and inventoried internally, including all stationery, signs, informational literature, publicity materials, and other necessary documents
Historical, Board, and legal documents can be safely warehoused and secured in off-site locations
Stationary, invitation, brochure and other forms of collateral can be designed in-house or in coordination with reliable graphic artists, designers, and printers
Bylaw reviews are performed periodically
Liability insurance levels are checked to ensure that the appropriate levels are maintained within the organization
Staff can represent clients at industry meetings and networking programs to promote the interests and issues of the organization